Silhouettes just rock don't they? XDDDDDDDDDD

Woo..check me out. XDDDDDDD
How u guys doin lately? How come no one tags? More posts equals more tags? Anyway, i bet u guys having great start to the holidays. Goin out everyday, goin on parties, goin on barbeques, goin on dates, goin on cruises, goin on vacations, goin on alien abductions, goin on hikes, goin on nightwalks, goin on space exploration, goin on coral reef fishing, goin on skydives.. whatever.
Lucky me. I just sit at home waiting for the sky to fall. It neither rocks, nor sucks. I regret yesterday, wasted today, yet fear tomorrow. Dammit. Someone grow me a beanstalk.
Yesterday was so weird. I found out one of my pals had a crush on me. Somehow it didn't surprise me, but it aint gonna affect me anyway. Hey, I'm still your wonderful wonderful nonsensical friend, no more no less, live with it :) Who is it? Um, you wouldnt believe me if i told you...
After a week of pointlessly doing nothing, my brain has turned into a void. I can now no longer remember how to solve math problems, cook up chemical equations and understand simple laws of physics. Problem? Uhh i think it is. -.-'
I better get to work on my holiday crap, but i somehow fear something. Somethin's tellin me to just sit back and relax. It's tellin me I should break off from the world of academics. Tellin me to... slack...... slack........ slaaaaack..
4E1 dammit. Life is so miserable, yet rewarding. I contradict myself and I don't know why.
Well, tag me lots okay (and i dont mean spam). Misery, keep an eye out for critics. Code: 876 553 23AL. Weird name huh?
Well i guess my work awaits. I need to reboot. See yahs! :)))))))))))))))))))
Oh, and thanks for coming.
*y'know, being further away from you just makes me miss ya more. ;)