"Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay
Though my skies are turning gray
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven"

Usually what do you expect when you actually read this blog? Listen to me grieve and lament about how sucky my life is...? Well, it's entirely up to you coz that's what I'll be doing most of the time. I would bore even myself to death if I were to ramble on the pointless details of my life. This blog, shall I declare, is a medium for me to RELEASE all dark shades of the heart. I know I'll be better afterwards, and it has never failed me once.
Why don't people just get it right. If I need help, I'd ask for it. When I'm lost and uncertain, I turn stupid. Stupidity will define your 'care and concern' as just 'being nosy'. Yup, stupid is inevitable when you're Hyder. You're just born with an excellent brain but you don't really use it well. Don't help me, I'm born to live alone, and when I need help, I'll look for help.
This is for a great friend whom maybe I would have lost out of stupidity. Explaining this to you directly after the 'incident' wouldn't be wise so maybe you'll see after you cool off. Or maybe, after I cool off.
It's hectic and difficult times like these when blogging would never have felt better. Days just pass by, I've learnt to slightly endure the pressure. I struggle to keep my life balanced, trying hard to make a difference. I have to admit, I've changed a damn lot, and I'm just not being myself for quite some time. Pretty much a real idiot, hypocrite even? Yup, it's fine, I accept the nastiests labels, I've lost my rage and I don't really care. All I've been through seemed to have developed a lot of patience in me.
You say maybe I should like complain all this in my blog. So people would develop some pity for me? Yes, I do complain, I emo ridiculously all through my posts but people just don't know how much it really helps. You're not me, you don't know what I've been through.
I'm still trying to cope to all this, interllectually, emotionally, socially... and now even morally? I know I've never been the same, yup, a hypocrite as you described, it's about time I got something I deserved. On the quest to perfect life, I ruin it at the same time. I can't remember the time I last savoured happiness, let alone be the friend I should be. I'm at the crossroads where it's either languish or death.
Fine. I'll tell you what's up. My talent and love for drawing is going down the drain for certain religious reasons. I'm drifting further away from my family. I'm having doubts about my schoolfriend's trust. People are saying things about me I never could have imagined. There's huge pressure on me, my grades are falling. I'm subjected to consecutive twist of fates. My destiny is fading away.Desperately living life, chasing hopeless dreams, sacrificing pleasures, fighting emotions, trying to stay in the family, and now, I have to lose friends? Is it my fault death seems so tempting when I have so many things to live for, like staying someone's friend. I know you too, your share of troubles, but PLEASE (if you really was concerned) understand what it's like to be in my shoes? I'm not faking this, it's pure reality and I'm not seeking your pity, just your forgiveness.
If fate forbids you from forgiving me, then I will not regret coz I tried. I could have just let it go, but I still try. I've done a lot of things I've never really been proud of, but time always heals the wounds. You are, and always have been, one of the greatest friends of my life, so you'd leave a deep scar. You know you still have something that belongs to me, and that's one of my treasured works, called 'ZeoLand'. That's your 'name' would you please return me what's rightfully mine. Or I'll grow up with the thought that you stole it from me. If you've lost it, then I'll look for it myself when the End comes.
Goodbye, for now.