Monday, 30 July 2007

The Dreamer


Here I am. The breezy afternoon, the neighbourhood, so quiet and peaceful. Once again, I sat on the desk by the window, taking a good look outside. The gentle zephyr blowing in my face, a man walking his dog in the park, a couple jogged down the path, kids cycling around the block. This is one of my favourite spots in the house. I just sit there and look at the world outside, humming my favourite tunes. I ponder, I wonder, I wish, I imagine, I daydream.

I wonder... I ponder....

If there's anyone out there who is thinking about me. If there's anyone out there who wishes she had me. If there's someone out there who wants to be with me forever. If there's anyone out there who is just like me. If there's anyone out there who has special abilities. If there's anyone out there longing for love and care. If there's anyone out there who is living in heaven on earth..

I daydream..... I imagine.....

What would it be like to be in someone else's shoes for a day. What would it feel like to be filthy rich. What would it be like to be a singing sensation, a movie star or a soccer legend. What's it like to have special abilities, what's it like to live forever. What's it like to live in the sea, the sky or space. What's it like to be an honourable soldier, what's it like to be a fugitive. What's it like to have a wife and kids. What's it like to walk on the moon. What's it like to explore trenches under the ocean. What's it like to live like a king.

I wish....I crave....

I had all the freedom all the strength, all the power. I was rich, respected, honoured. There was more justice in the world. Life is fair. I was stronger, physically and emotionally. I had someone whom I can call a true friend. I had superpowers, I'm a hero. I lived in a realm of magic, a life of endless possibilities. I can ride a dolphin, a phoenix or a dragon. To have a destiny. To decide my own fate. To make dreams come true. To believe in miracles. To be with the ones I love forever. To be loved by all those around me. To eliminate all hate. To love a special someone...forever. For a better world.



~Sigh~ There goes my bubble. Sorry, hehe i know i've been babbling a lot of nonsense. I tend to think about whole lot of stuff when I'm by the window. I think it works the same way at school. I'll look out the window and marvel at the sights around me. At times, I'd rather be alone. I just wanna stare outside and dream. I dunno, maybe i'm just too dreamy sometimes.

Maybe one day, I'll look outside, and I'll see something so majestic, so mysterious, so beautiful..

Friday, 27 July 2007

Today's weather report.

Good Morning.

Oh my gosh!!! It's a hurricane!! The trees are swayin' like crazy and there are leaves flying in every direction!! Woohoo! I wonder what's it like down there, the gusts blowing in your hair, the ash blowing in your face, the leaves bustling off the branches, and it seems like the ol' lady down there 's havin her umbrella turned inside out. Hey.. what's that black thingy whizzing thru the air? OH MY GOSH ITS MY HAT!!!
....yawning at the crazy scene in front of me, i'm oblivious to the weather. Then suddenly my windows rattled and the wind made those creepy whooshing noises and it got colder.
Best morning i've had in years.

Guess where I went yesterday. Can't guess? Okay. Lol I went to the zoo.
No, not school. Singapore Zoo. We got some kinda family day over there, so yea, i was forced to 'enjoy' it. Haahaa..

Nothing much to say here, been really busy. Oh well, to make up for it, i'll show u some pics of the friends i've made at the zoo. See YA!

THIS was the last picture i took for the day. I didn't know jaguars were so aggressive! All I remember was I took this picture, blacked out, and the next second I was in hospital.


Tuesday, 24 July 2007


* Sigh *
Sometimes I just wish I could draw my own world, live there.
Sweet picture. I wished it was real.
Drawing is how i escape reality. I draw to relieve myself of frustration,
misery, anxiety, stress...
And it always works.

My dreams are drawn on paper.
Usually, what's on those drawings..
I'll never get to experience them in real life.
Such as this one..

After what I've been through,
after all the tears, sweat and blood,
the lies, praises, and promises,
the love, hate and friendship,
...ever come true?

Monday, 23 July 2007


It was near the end Charms class and I was packing up my assignments when suddenly I heard hysterical laughter behind me. I swear the laughter was not of a human. I turned around without hesitation and surprisingly, two giggling owls had landed behind my stool. One of them wasn't REALLY an owl, 't was more of a duck. I was getting a little bit uneasy about our unexpected visitors, Rachel was also stunned. And then something under the duck's feet spoke. "Parchment for you Mister Harry-Hyder'. Oh. It was only a message. I grabbed it from the duck who was still beaming at me. The owl did too.

I took a glance at the 'letter'. Oh. I snorted, then smiled. The petite little messengers hurried back where they came from, chuckling. It's not my birthday but this really wasn't necessary. But it sure made me laugh too. Hey, send me more.

:) :) Fun-On-Foot!

:) :) :)

Yup yup yup. Another wonderful weekend.

I skipped tuition on Saturday, and oh yeah, I didn't regret doing it! Coz I went on FUN-ON-FOOT that day!!! Weeee..!! Fun-on-foot so totally rocks.

In case you'r e wondering what the hell it is, it's kinda like amazing race, but it's around singapore. Awesome!!! We participated in groups of 4, then we go chasing buses, hopping onto MRT, and running around everywhere in search for singapore's first buildings and heritage sites, for clues. I went with Oliver, Zhao Ying n Miss Chia, LOL. Haha, I got the whole race on tape! Also from BV were Mr Teo's group and Mr Yong's group: Miss Leow, Mr Sunny and Mrs Tiu. Unfortunately, all of us made it late!! Hahahahaaaaaa.. Mr Teo said, " We didn't lose, we just didn't win. Even if we lose, we still look good." LOL...

Recent updates:

> Today whole school has been blabbering about who dies in Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows. LOL LOL.. Joanne and Mubaraka bought the book and brought it to school. John even went to flip the book to the last page and told me the last word of the story was 'well'. Then he said the last sentence was, "Harry drowned in the well". --_--'' LMAO... the last sentence was "All was well". What a lame sentence to end with. So if Harry marries Ginny and has 3 kids, Ron marries Hermione, who has Cho? *sly grin*

> Nasha and Ummi are once again giving my life the taste of happiness. And freedom. And insanity. And they're trying to kindle my love for Princess. -_-' Keep trying haha.. It's awesome having them around.

>Passed my Add maths- coordinate geometry test. I passed with 20/25. :D :D :D. Passing add maths to me, is a miracle. Seriously. Miracles don't really last.

I can pretty much say life rocks these days. But you know how's it's like, "Life is a roller coaster, up when you're ecstatic, down when you're depressed, and loop the loop if you're hanging out with Ummi and Nasha. Hehehehahahaha.. losing yourself. Woohoo.

Well, nuff' said. Here's a some wacky pictures from fun-on-foot!

My gang!

Ewwww Mr Teo.


Why the long face? WHAHAHAHA!!!
Looks like everyone's an egghead!

See Ya!!!!

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Rocking on'


Oh yipee do dah dayyy... been a great week! Yeah maybe not ALL great but, well, I've seen worse days..

Been hanging around with Ummi and Nasha a lot lately, that's a good thing, coz they usually cheer me up in the morning... And like yesterday I was like damn high.. we talked of nothing but nonsense... oh wait a sec, we do that EVERRYYYYDAY!! HAH.

You guys mite be wondering why the blog suddenly closed for a while. -_- ' It was only a few days. Call of Justice. No, it's not a game. All of us on Earth are living our lives as per normal but we are not aware of the evil that lie hidden in those among us. Yeah, you'll see soon enough. You may think the school is safe, but it ain't. All i can say is, Watch your back.

Last Sunday I watched Harry Potter 5. :) Great movie, but it's below my expectations. I was like freakin' out when the movie suddenly ended. I was like "What the f---, so fast?! Dumbledore's Army didn't even fight, dammit." But at least the climax was a heart-pumping breathtaking experience. If only I could watch it on IMAX 3D..

Lucky Cho. At least she got to snog Harry once before Harry would have a relationship with Ginny.. Ginny's more compatible. Cho's too hot for Harry. :P

Nuff' of dat.
Latest Updates: We finally have music on Hyder's Blog. 3 drawings under way. Common tests marching closer. And I seriously don't feel like studying this crap. Someone please hit me on the head.

Signing Off'

Tuesday, 10 July 2007


Everywhere I go, people ask me all sorts of questions. Some of which I remember very well. So in this post I shall answer your questions, and maybe I might interest you a lil' bit. Have fun.

Q:How do I pronounce your actual name?
A: Hai- Der. or Hee-Day. Actual pronounciation, Hee-Day-r. Don't ask me again. Say it right.

Q:What's 'Blazeshadow'?
A: Blazeshadow is my first comic superhero. Half- fire, and half-darkness. You won't see much of Blazeshadow now coz I prefer drawing teens rather than superheroes.

Q:Are you emo?
A: Not really. I used to be quite emo but now, no. It depends on your opinion of me actually. An ex-emo. Coz emos are dumb.

Q:How many times have you gone overseas?
A: Same number as my age. Every year my family travels. We're travellers, coz my mom and dad are S'pore Airlines staff. But please don't say we're rich. We're an average family. My parents have travelled so much more than I did.

Q:WHO is the bad shooter?????and who is princess??
A: Lol. It's the same person. It's this girl in school who's really special, if you know what I mean. And she didn't 'turn' into the princess, she just quit shooting coz she always misses.

Q:What's so special about the bad shooter? :P
A: =_= ' erm. She's so cool, she's cute, she's like so darn hot. (to me la) She listens to me when I need someone to talk to, and we're sorta close. I don't wanna lose her trust. :)

Q:What are the things that make you smile?
A: Jokes, when my friends smile back, when I see the princess and the things she say, my cousins, my brothers, my sister, and awesome results.

Q:Why do you think BGR is stupid? (it's not okay)
A: Actually it's not 100% stupid. Well for us teens, we just can't help it right? It's the stage where we understand what love is and learn to accept that we're in love with someone. I just think BGR (or steadying) is ridiculous coz most of it ends in pointless break-ups, and then you realize how much effort and time you have wasted on someone not worth living for. But if you think You can do it, go ahead and take the risk. What've you got to lose?

Q:Do you plan on being an comic/manga artist when you grow up?
A: Erm.. I'll have to think about that. Knowing how far I've gone in my studies, and that I've taken pure sciences, choosing a comic career would be a total waste of all my effort in school. Maybe a part time comic artist.

Q:What inspires you to draw?
A: Hmm... I usually my sketches are just how I express my feelings. Depends on whether I'm happy, down, depressed, hurt, lovesick, frustrated and so on. I like to draw Hyder, his dudes, teen girls, heroes, and beasts, sometimes. Hyder is really cool isn't he (i mean my drawing)? Well whatever, I'm still an amateur, but I'm getting better and better. I hope with your support, I can reach the peak of my skills!

Q:Are you a loner?
A: Not always la. I hang out with my pals now and then, but usually you see me alone. I've learnt to adapt to loneliness and I'm not afraid to walk Earth alone. But I wish could talk better to gals coz I tend to get nervous. -_-' pls understand..

Q:How many crushes have u had since secondary school?
A: Lots. Crushes come in on and off. But now that I already have someone feast my eyes at, I don't really pay much attention to other gals. Hahahaha

Q:Do you have any admirers?
A: I used to have one at p6. She's nuts about me, but now she's more daring. Then at sec 1 someone wrote 'I love Hyder class 1/3' on the desk in the art room. Then at sec 2 I heard rumours about someone liking me, but I never really found out who.

Q:What are your fears?
A: I fear betrayal and rejection the most. I fear losing trust in the people I love. I fear losing someone who is more than just special. I fear embarrassment. I fear humiliation. I fear punishment. I fear failure. I fear critters. I fear fish. And I fear the deep, deep blue sea. AND I FEAR GUILT..

Q:What are the things you hate most about life and why?
A: Lots of things i hate about life. I hate it when she doesnt smile. I hate it when friends walk away. I hate people who hate other people. I hate it when people get on my nerves. I hate myself when people lose trust in me. I hate myself when I say the wrong things. I hate people who spread false info of others. I hate my haters. I hate it when she gets angry at me.

Q:Why am I not on your special people list?! haha
A: People in the list have made a significant impact on my life, and they made a difference. Without them, I'm not who I am today. So you must be worthy enough, lol.

Q:What are the things in life that you can't live without?
A: I can't live without my family and my best pals (or most of them in my list). I can't live without my talent for drawing. I can't live without music.

Q:Are you a virgin? LMAO
A: -_-''''''''' HA - HA very funny. -_-' (don't ask me who asked me this question)

Lolx.. ooh.. I'd like to say something about myself. Did you know that if I said something to you which I shouldn't have.. i know i'm in the wrong..but you can't imagine how guilty I'd feel. I can't possibly escape with guilt in my heart, no way. If I insulted you in some way, I'd feel super guilty, my heart will beat like mad.
Maybe becoz I'm afraid of losing you. That's why. It doesn't matter who you are or how small that mistake is, the guilt still comes. Gee, i wonder if i did a crime, maybe i won't be happy for the rest of my life becoz of guilt?

Forgiveness. It's more than just accepting apologies. It's also about healing wounds.

---please come ask me on msn if u have any further queries... haha


Monday, 9 July 2007

Smile :D :D

Oh my goshh... what A ~wonderful~ dayy...

so much smiles...and laughter and happiness in the air.. awww.. :)

Awesome.. anyone seen Misery? Oooh not here! Not today! :P

I was heading to the lockers afeter school when I bumped into the princesses near the staircase. One called me to turn around because the other had a gift for me.

I turned around curious to see what it was when suddenly there was a beautiful bright ray blinded my eyes...

It was no faster than a blink, but it felt like an eternity

It's something I hoped to see more of for the rest of my life.

It was Heaven in a split-second. :D
( if it was longer I would have fainted from all that beauty)


*still can't guess what the gift is? -_-''
Oh by the way, Ummi and Nasha.. Welcome to Hyder's List.
Yeah i know. Touched right? But seriously i dont just put people's names there for fun just because I like em. Real reason is coz well the two of you well, brighten my day in a special way only I can understand......and also coz u keep pestering me to get you on da list. -_-'''

Like the princess tells me everytime,

Smile alwayz.. :D

Friday, 6 July 2007

New Stuff!

I got straight down to business and edited my latest picture..

LOL ... arent they just the coolest?????????? which one you like best????? YAHOOO im off for more. Byez!

Thursday, 5 July 2007


MY GOSH ...what a day..

Overview: after school, skipped 1 hour of media and went with Raja to tanjong pagar to film the missing parts of our project, due MRT station on da way home, Raja bought the large slurpee but then we couldnt finish before going into the station so we gulped it all down, enduring the crazy brainfreezes... HAHAHAH it was so funny our ribs were frozen!! Its like drinking an iced potion which makes you go bonkers!!!!!! Then we returned back to Media..just to get down to business..

Hahaha right now im so high.. cant do any work.. cant feel my heartbeat..

oh wait.. that a good sign?

Me and you-don't-know-who have patched up again but now even better.. thats what im so happy about. The pain from a heartbreak has gone away, and things will return back where they belong. Following my previous post: "I got more than I deserved. Yup, so I'm giving it back. I don't need more when I already have everything I want ...right here."

Great to have u back.. :D

I don't feel like tagging so I'll blog instead.

-Linda + Miranda.. = ? :P thanks for visiting my blog often.. ( for ur info, these two are twins i met in anaheim (los angeles) in USA 2 years ago.. we kept in touch. Theyre both friendly and hot :P:P ) U guys rock .. so how come i dont see u online anymore? Where'd u galz ran off too?

-Hey look what Jackie tagged.. LOLLL ! sure, I've always been your friend, u just never asked. Glad you wud say something finally.. oh and u know last time u sent me and email on how the 7 year old explains sex.. OH GOD he just had to mention THE EEL.. cool~

-Dun Ping, i know u wasnt adding insult to injury, it was meant for the haters who keep coming into my blog and attack me.. i dont know who those bloody @$$faces are, but Misery gets rid of them so dun worry. :)

Yup thats all for today. Have a great day ahead people!


Misery: If Hyder's so freakin lame, you should come and tell that to his face, u cowardly lame-ass snot-brains.. don't you guys have feelings at all? All you can do is say lotsa shit and you dont even realize ur face looks like an ass.. my advice..

SHAD DUP!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

I suck

Hey you guys..

Didn't really know what to blog today.. I'm sick of my life being so boring after it was at the peak of happiness..yeah life has ups and downs.. But in MY life, the up is really really high up and the down is sinking reeeeeeeeaaaallly low. Today's one of those not-so-frequent days when I'm stuck in the middle.

Haixx... I keep thinking about how far I've gone. I feel that my life is very limited. It's like I can only go far.. and not beyond that. Will I ever be the person I dream of becoming? I cant even do things right..

I suck..

And about my so-called love life, I don't think my path is brighter ahead. Like the present for instance. I wanted to be ~her~ friend. She was a dream to be with. In the end, with a little luck, I got more than I wanted. Or....more than I deserved. I'm having doubts about myself. ..

I suck..

But love can always come later..right now..and onwards.. I hope I don't lose trust in any of you guys..


omg...what would I do without you.. YOU GUYS ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and you're hot too!!!!!!!!!!

I suck... does this sucky guy deserve so many great friends??

one more thing..
Hey erm.. miss BS....
You gained trust in me, but I made you lose it too. You gave me so much care and happiness, but will you take it all back too? I don't want history to repeat itself... please give me a chance..
i'd like to say:
In friendship ..or war......... you'll always be MY princess.. I still suck?

Sunday, 1 July 2007

The Steps to Happiness

Everybody Knows:
You can't be all the things to all people
You can't do everything at once.
You can't do everything equally well.
You can't do all things better than everyone else.
Your humanity is showing just like everyone else's.

You have to find out who you are, and be that person.
You have to decide what comes first, and do that.
You have to discover your strengths, and use them.
You have to learn not to compete with others,
Because no one else is in the contest of *being you*.

You will have learned to accept your own uniqueness.
You will have learned to set priorities and make decisions.
You will have learned to live despite your limitations.
You will have learned to give yourself the respect you deserve
You will be the person you never thought you'd be.

Dare To Believe:
That you are a wonderful, unique person.
That you are a once-in-all-history event.
That it's more than a right, it is your duty, to be who you are.
That life is not a problem to solve, but a gift to cherish.
And you'll be able to stay one up on what used to get you down
Life may seem a curse for some people, but only a blessing to those who seek the happiness they deserve. I'm ready to walk down the path of life, what about you?
Hyder ;)
~the one and only~