I'm back for about 9 days in Jakarta. It was one of the best trips of all coz I finally get to meet all my long lost relatives there. It's a rather complicated family tree, so I'll just skip to the good parts and move on to the highlights. (Btw, for the first time, I DID NOT bring my vidcam on holiday, so I had to borrow my cousin's. No vids, not right now. So instead of a 90 min clip, i took 400 photos.)
1) Family bonding
Things were off to a great start. Uncles we've never met before came brought us to the hotel and later took us to the family so-called 'mansion' hahaha. It was a great reception, I was introduced to all the grannies here and also the younger cousins. You know their lives aren't that great, but they're really awesome people. It was like 60+ of long lost relatives and only 9 of us singaporeans. Woohoo, we were like celebrities hahaha.. My cousins are the greatest, theyre so freakin cute cute cute, we jump around in circles in the house and scream at otheres ears. -.- HAHAHAH!!! I LOVE THEM!!!! The older ones (chicks) were really 'lovely' hahah!! Why'd we HAVE TO LEAVE ??????? (My cousins are in the pics of the previous posts)
We went at a safari trip! Driving around the vicinity looking at all the animals. There was a llama who blocked the road for about 6 mins (he's hungry), and there was a orangutan was so rotund he couldnt move, and there was a lion who just couldnt take his eyes of us. If only singapore had this kinda thing, to bad we only have it after dusk.
3)Dunia Fantasi
Directly translated, its 'Fantasy World'. Yeah, a theme park. Unfortunately I only took 3 pitiful rides, but at least they were the good ones. Reason: The park is filled up to its brim. The recent discount kept the folks coming in like waves, the queues are packed!! Worse part is, I DIDNT GET TO RIDE THE STINKIN ( actually awesome loop the loop twirly whirly )ROLLER COASTER. DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT. But at least I got to ride the 3D simulator, the only ride my dad queued up for was called 'Please flush before you leave'. XD
4) Reptiles
We visited a reptile farm..I patted my new pet python and kicked the tail of the Komodo lots times. He didn't seem to mind, must've had too much breakfast. The Komodo was fed only once a week but he eats 9 chickens in one go. Finger lickin good eh?
5) Sea World
It's mainly just a typical aquarium and underwater world. But I got a few nice shots of the giant stingray. The divers have cut its deadly tail off so it would'nt kill another Steve Irwin.
Y'know I can't believe I'm actually blogging about this. Oh well. Being the kaypo king that I am, i've noticed some things about the chicks at theme parks: The hot ones have boyfriends, the really hot ones are married, the really really hot ones only like other gals (ew), and the really really really hot ones are only found on tv. This hurts me soooooooooooooo bad. Chick-hunting won't be the same again. Oh well, but there's still a handful out there....................
7) Angels
Haha. Did you know I saw an angel at the hotel. She was so pretty, she was singing on the stage at the lobby. All the idiots at the cafe were watching her intently. When I was starting to notice her, I took out the camera and I took a shot. If only I had my vid, so I borrowed my cousin's. I got her on tape when suddenly she noticed me and then its as if she was singing to me. HAHAHA. My cousin said 'oi enough la' and I took advantage. I pretended as if she was REALLY singing to me, placing my hand on my chest and sighing. Dude, she giggled on stage. And then I flir-... okay never mind. Too bad I didn't go and say hello or something, or else I would have dated an angel. OH MY CRUD I AM STILL A SHY TURTLE. *Haix*

This really doesn't concern me. I know MOST people would shop till they drop, not me. I'm just an idiot who carries the shopping bags and pray hard this whole disaster is over. I'm not really a shopaholic so I had to literally 'survive' malls. I don't get my own money to spend, I don't get the freedom to roam around, and I wait outside the shops while my parents spend 2-3 hrs to buy things to give relatives (which will probably end up in some back closet anyway). The worse part is, there are NO chicks. Talk about a BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD day. Oh well, I bought my new shades here anw..
That's about it. I wished I didn't have to come back to this stupid reality.. oh well, here's tworeaally cool pics I took to end the long post. I'm going back to my sour life. Sweet dreams..
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