Well what else can I say..maybe it's true.. I'm just a freaking emo for all I care. Or maybe t' was just my dark side taking over my body again..
I have a dark secret, its usually the cause of my mood swings. Sometimes im calm, and then of course, otherwise im totally going bonkers...
..like yesterday.
Fine. Today just got back better. I think becoz of 'the asking for forgiveness' incident that really drew a bucket of tears out of me last night. Never mind, I was just rejuvenating my soul with a prayer that would change me forever. :) I feel better today.
Lady Luck smiled at me since morning. In the bus to school I saw miss bad shooter with miss Pompipi so literally tagged along after them! hehehe :) Today was soooo nice, there was no E Maths, so we went to library for a free period, then it was English which was another free period so we returned to the library, and i played PICTIONARY with my pals :Rachel, ChengWei, WeiJie, Jesslyn, SieW Ee, Nasha, Cally, Zhao Ying and Oliver!! Oh great fun!.. :P
It was like last period then it was A Maths remedial but Mr Chu didnt show up. SO the newly formed LAME ALLIANCE OF 3E1 played Musical Chairs.
( =___= )''''
WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!! SOO0o0o0o0OOO darned funny!!
I managed to caught up with PomPipi and BadShooter ^^ PURE LUCK!! ~~~~ walked beside Miss Pompipi while the relli shy BadShooter walked in front with the other 5 musketeers. :P na na na na quaaackk....
The scene was like the picture above. I was walking alone. The bff's were walking up front. I didnt really mind. I'm just a lovesick puppy.
"Everyone leads a roller coaster life. Ride it."
song of the day: How To Save a Life by The Fray (click on it on my HyderBox)
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