Friday, 1 February 2008



Latest updates:

31 Jan 08
Dad sent me to school that morning and was that when I noticed there was something peculiar about my face. Just when I thought my hair looked bad enough, I noticed something much worse when I got to school. Jumping out of the car, I dropped my bag and hurried to the toilet and I saw the most ugliest bump on my right eyelid. OMG, I looked liked I just had eye cancer or somethin and it reminded me of quasimodo. Bullshit, how the hell am I gonna get this thing me, I'm a monster. Its like half my eyelid had inflated and it covered the tip of my eye.

Yeah my pals said it was swollen and I could do nothin about it. I constantly had to cover my eye coz I look hideous. So I endured the first half of the day and I escaped my facing S.Cheong and she said it looked 'very bad and you seriously need a doctor.' I had my parents fetch me to the clinic. Doctor was right, it was the bug bite. Damn you bug.

Well, at least I manage to survive without hardly anyone seeing it, but I guess I had to surrender to my friends whom I used as shields from the crowd. Lol, 3/4 of the class didn't even know why the hell I left.

Well the great part came later, I skipped tuition coz mom and dad returned home with a new laptop( I didnt expect it) I helped set up our new Vista (and im using it now) yay i have a vistaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... WOOOOOOO~

still i wont be using the comp much. My life was more meaningful without the comp. I won't blog much but I;ll keep updating.

Haaaa haaa~ tag me ritez?
You're cool.

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