If you're reading this then many thanks to you coz you're probably the only one who's been here since eons ago. (http://www.dictionary.com/) Yeah. Go check out what's an eon. Anyway the new template doesn't seem to be attracting more readers.. just the flies. Is it really that stinky around here, or its just the lack of dramatic emo-ness-ness-ness? Dammit how come when I try to step down my emo and put jokes on the blog, no one comes here. No one tags.
To my avid readers out there, do you ever get sick of me being emo shyt on the blog all the time? Geez I thought people are pissed by my words but suddenly I'm confused. I don't get it man. Maybe I should get a home on Mars or something. I heard Martians know how to bake cookies.
So a week ago I submitted my 1000 word essay for the principal's competition on 'Emo teens in Singapore'. I kinda got inspired by colossal emotional prowess teens are willing to show these days so I wrote on how we can turn emos into bagpipe-playing angels or something like that. Yup, there IS HOPE.
Me? Naah. I'm not really those exrtreme slit-your-wrist kinda emo. More like the mild-mannered-Clark-Kentish kinda emo. No violence and gore in my movie. Yeah no striped socks... or piercings.. or eyeliner.. or hair.. don't rub it in please. I admit, I am very emotional driven and sensitive and I'm not proud of that. In case you don't know yet, this emolution that I go through helps me escape my worries and heals at the wounds inside.
Hyderiffic cure for heartbreaks: My Chemical Romance, darkness, silence and hostility. And not forgetting the enchanted aura of a moonlit night.
I'm just not that side right now. I'll be be back with more emo crap. Soon, I think, if I'm still alive after Physics tomorrow. See yahz.
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just dropping by to say hello
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