Career Seminar! I came to school in a cream-coloured shirt plus a dark grey tie. I kinda liked it coz it looked great even though it's cheap. LOL. Well everyone looked awesome and I favourited all my pals outfits. Somehow it really really suits their personality. Sis looked great too even when it was her second career seminar, haha. I told Mom and Dad lotsa people wore blazers. Dad criticized them and told me what's the point in dressing up for a job interview when ppl think you're already a CEO when you stepped in.
I digged all the talks and stuff. After the whole thing, TenDays and I hurried to Changi Airport T2 to spend our Swensens voucher. I thought I might get lonely at first, but it turned out okay in the end. When we got there I gobbled down a whole chicken-mushroom mayo pizza and slurped on a super soda. It's worth that twenty bucks, I felt like a puffer fish. Then we all shared the Earthquake. It reduced to 0 on the Richter Scale in less than 5 minutes. Hahaha.
When we got the bill it was like a total of a hundred plus bucks. Not surprising, but it drained the dough out of everyone. Then the girls were like using the calculator determining who pays how much. Hilarious!
I collapsed on the bed when I got home and slept for a few hours. Regretted it, coz when I woke up I thought I was gonna get indigestion but my stomach was still bloated as ever and my brain was in a daze. I did not gain a single pound.
Woke up with a cramped arm. It had frozen throughout the night, just my luck. School brought a bit less mediocrity on thursdays (coz there's no Physics today), and I had to retake my final final final final 2.4km run for my life in secondary school. I was first among all the other runners, but I sucked as always anyway. I had Good Charlotte to help me. Halfway through a bunch of our own schoolgirls (maybe sec 1-2) darting in their direction. They stopped to see me make a turn and they stared at me till I ran past. I thought I heard one say 'Waa he damn hot sia...' I rolled my eyes. Three cheers for imagination.
Okay so that's it. Y'know sometimes when you're a guy like me, living te life based on gloom and pessimism, it's kinda hard to face reality when it suddenly turns positive. Fate throws in bits and pieces of happiness to fool you so you'd 'brighten' up but eventually you come across some kinda negative side effect to it. So being negative sometimes eases the crap they'd throw at you later, a bit like finding out the truth when you make assumptions. I always lose when I jump to conclusions. The sad thing is, I can't stop myself.
Lady Luck always had a catch when she winks at me. I never really enjoyed her company.
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