Wow. This day was one of the best days ever. Only on msn, I brought me and Maiz' relationship to a whole new level and I also made some newfound friends I never thought I would: Nadiah and Wajihah.
I spent my afternoon studying with my sister Hau Yee and my awesome pal Sharil by the pond. It was so damn fun filming Sharil for his little talk show and its so fun when Hau Yee's around. These two are so close to me, they're like family (even when one 'ahem' already is). LOL!
That evening, Maiz had been acting really strange lately and often showered me with uncalled praises I never really deserved. She was being really sweet though I'm still oblivious to her charm spells. I'm still confused of how we had gotten so far in such a short time, and how our lonely souls seem to find connection once more. Either way, she really made my day with our conversation. Can't wait to see her again sometime soon.
While as the night proceeded, I started to build up the friendship status between my and my sweet tuition friends Nadiah and Wajihah, though I hardly knew them before this day. It started when Nadiah asked me a history question and then it evolved into a vibrant conversation. 'Wawa' joined in and it got a lot more insane. Amazingly, we crapped about so many things and I threw in so many idiotic jokes I never thought I could think of. In one night, our connection spiralled from a cold zero to deliriously sky-high.
Really really had a lot of fun tonight. And it was one of those intoxicated days that outwitted all the miserable ones in the past weeks. Nothing would please me more than to be with those that I really respected and cherished as special friends. You guys know who you are, and I hope more delightful souls continue to step into my life and create a whole new world for me. As the tides of the exams continue to crash against me, I'm now surviving on you guys as my life-buoys. I've a feeling this black-and-white life will soon be replaced by a whole new spellbound world full of love and laughter.
Thanks to Sharil, Maiz, Hau Yee, Hau Yan, Ummi, Nasha, and my hilarious new friends. Thanks for turning my life around, when its so long upside down. Thanks for being there for me. I'll always be there for you guys, and that's a lifelong promise. While the others whom are not mentioned, don't think I've forgotten about you guys okay. As long as your name is written somewhere in this blog, I would die if you weren't my firned. ^^
And hey, with wits, charm, love and humour, even the tiniest of friendships and ounces of infatuation can create wonders.
And yes, even for half-emos like me. :)
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