Alright updates updates updates...
It has been 2 days since my return from the SPSC orientation camp. It was great, except I was kinda disappointed about the night walk. I promised myself not to swear throughout the whole thing, but I broke that promise unintentionally. T.T
I scolded one of the ghosts ‘Bastard’ before kicking her (yes, her) away. She was hiding behind the door in the stairwell, which I had to pass through. Well, lucky for both of us, she’s representing SP in the IVP competition, so it shouldn’t have hurt. =P
And of course I scowled at two other ghosts ‘Damn fucking gays’ after they ambushed me from behind the pillars. I contained the urge to punt one of the crawling ghosts (who was chasing me), because I couldn’t stop laughing... All in all, it was a good experience. But I’ve had enough scares to last me a month.
Just a rundown of the past few test results........ Bad news first.
- Engineering Math Class Test 1: 78%
- Engineering Math Class Test 2: 67.5%
- Structured Programming Lab Test 1: 83%
- Structured Programming Quiz 3: 100%
- Structured Programming Quiz 4: 100%
- Engineering Maths Computer Quiz: 100%
Shit. It may seem like good results but actually what you are looking at shouldn’t be the case for a Year 1 student. And it’s only being like what, not even 1 term. My friends who are doing less than me are getting much higher, some even full marks for tests. My math tests are trashed... my mind has been telling me that I’m under some sort of curse... I can’t believe it. I’ll keep on trying.
One lesson poly life has taught me so far is that no matter what happens, you must learn to FACE YOUR FEARS. Your fears are the venomous flesh eaters that stop you from moving forward. Even though the world is against you, it is never the end. Whatever you do, you must be courageous enough to face the harshness of reality and push on. You'll reap the rewards later, just keep your chin up and don't look back.
Yesterday I went for my special Monday training session with the seniors. The coach gave me a head start by letting me train with them. How honoured is it to be the only freshmen training with the big shots.
But hey, training with the athletes is no walk in the park. Reality check - I was nearly beaten to death when I was dragged myself into parrying training against THEM. Parry, parry, parry. Sneak in a few kicks and punches, and then parry, parry and parry until you collapse. My arms ached after deflecting so many hard blows, and I could hardly breathe under the chest guard.
Ironically, I love it. Being with them feels like I’m already a step higher than what I actually am. They, and the coach, encourage me for taking dozens of blows – that’s good news.
Likewise, here’s a rundown of what I’ve learnt OUTSIDE usual training (two weeks):
- 7 new battle stances
- 5-blow combos
- Tepis & tangkis (parrying / deflecting blows)
- Sapuan (‘sweeping’ your opponent off the floor..it’s my first advanced move)
- Rapid barraging before luring for a surprise takedown (it’s a technique. I call it... ‘Duster’. Hahaha)
- Switching stances
- Hiding weakness points
- Sabit (Direct translation: Sickle... it’s some sort of roundhouse kick)
- Basic counterattacks
Wow, I’ve learnt quite a handful. It’s just awesome. XD I could go on in detail, but that’ll be the dumbest thing to do – revealing your tactics openly to potential foes. Defeats the purpose of 'self-defence'. For all I know, someone could be spying on me right now, analyzing my moves. Oh yeah, that was also another lesson – to continuously analyze your opponent during sparring.
Personal Life
Poly rocks. You just get new eye candies every day. Crushes? With the pace I'm going, I guess BG relationships are the last thing I'd want right now. Yeah well, they come in and out of my mind like traffic but that's normal ain't it? Wait till you get into Poly, it's like heaven compared to secondary school.
I wonder how Romeo's doing. I hope she's taking good care of the lil' guy. She's doing well too. But I know she is - she got a scholarship. =D I'm proud of you cupcake, good luck for your upcoming Chinese O's.
And as the rest of you guys out there - love ya'll and do yourself proud. Whatever shit life throws at you... just parry, parry, parry.
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